Founder of Gyansthali

Late Shri Devendra Kumar Paliwal

As the founder of Gyansthali Public School, vision of Late Shri Devendra Kumar Paliwal was to cultivate a learning environment that goes beyond textbooks, fostering curiosity, critical thinking, and creativity. I envision a school where every student discovers their unique talents and passions, guided by a dedicated faculty. Through holistic education, our students will not only excel academically but also develop strong character, empathy, and a sense of social responsibility. Gyansthali Public School aims to empower future leaders, instilling a lifelong love for learning and the resilience to face global challenges. Together, we aspire to create a community that thrives on knowledge, compassion, and a commitment to excellence.

Student Birthday

Hamirpur Chungi, Mahoba
Uttar Pradesh 210427
(Aff. No.: 2130029)

Tel: 05281 297933
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